Back to the Basics

Closing out the holiday season Mothership is so grateful for our loyal customers that have sent words of encouragement, attended outdoor classes all summer/fall & helped us move out of our storefront. 2020 was a year of stretching & evolving as a business, going with the flow learning to pivot with every new restriction & regulation put into place all while inevitably having to close our storefront because we could no longer run the same business we originally opened.

Despite the challenges of the pandemic, Mothership has accomplished a lot of good helping moms all across Chicago to be better moms.

-Created a welcoming space for mom, dads & caretakers to enjoy time with their little one & meet friends.

-Hosted events supporting the local arts community

-Supplied new moms with furniture & supplies for new babies.

-Furnished an apartment for a family of 3 effected by a fire in September.

Mothership Launchpad was opened to bring moms belly to belly, introduce them to each other and create bonds between moms experiencing the same stage of motherhood. Our mission is simple and we are going back to the basics. Mothership is hosting more mobile New Mom Meetups to help benefit Chicago moms in 2024 to make creating long lasting impact in the lives of new mothers in Chicago communities.


Family Travel Series